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  • Writer's pictureJocelyn Timmermans

Welcome Pass

July 21,2023 - Mt. Baker Wilderness

Stats: 10.70 km / 1064m gain / 3:50 hours MT

Want a good workout? This one is the ultimate. Even with it's 66 switchbacks on the ascent to the ridge, it was a grunt going up and a thigh burner going down. But the pay-off was amazing!

We climbed 850m through forest on the Welcome Pass trail, arriving at the ridge just over 1 1/2 hours later. The trail was in good condition so there was nothing to slow our progress which made it more challenging in a way. For most of us the mentality was to "go for it and get it over with".

We waited to regroup at the junction of the High Divide trail on the ridge. My clothes were soaking wet from the sweat. So I hung my tank top on a bush to dry in the sun and collected it later on the way back. The bugs were at us with a vengence. Horseflies are nasty creatures.

But what wonderful views we had as we emerged from the forest after an unrelentingly, steep climb, requiring a few quick stops (so as not to lose our momentum) to rehydrate ourselves in the heat.

Then we continued right or east along the ridge. West would've gotten us to Excelsior Peak.

1) Looking back on the ridge 2) A steep section that got us higher on the ridge.

Mt. Baker - southwest.

Shuksan Mt -- south.

The trail & ridge angled to the left after that steep section. It dropped off sharply on our left side.

Group shot: me, Denise, Charlotte, Case, Brigitte, Peter, Simon, Sheri, Cameron, Susan + Irene.

Seven of this group will be doing the Mt. Blanc trip coming up the end of August.

360 views starting in the north, going clockwise. Peaks to our northeast were: the Tomyhoi, the Border Peaks, Larrabee, Winchester, Sefrit, Shuksan, Mt. Baker

In no rush to leave our Point 5741 lunch spot. The nice cool wind kept the bugs at bay.

Tomyhoi Mt.


Ahh it felt good to wash the sweat and dust off of our skin at the ice cold reservoir right by the parking area.

The High Divide trail centre left, the Tomyhoi trail to the right. There is a faint trail leading from where we ended our hike, along a connecting right to the Yellow Astre Butte trail but it'd require two major drops in elevation on either end.

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