Feb. 5, 2024 - Vedder Ridge Trail
Stats: 11 km / 610m gain / 890m high
Anne used to be a member of our club and continues to do trips with us. But she moved away to Victoria so we don't see her as often. This day was for her. What better way to get-together when she's in town, than to do a hike?

The trailhead is on the Cultus Lake side, off of Parmenter Rd. Terry is holding what used to be the registration box.

Just a smidge beyond the box is this sign.

Much of the trail was frozen with patches of hoar-frost higher up. There is now clear-cut on both sides of this first section. Glad they preserved the trail.

The first viewpoint just before the pond.

Ice patterns.

Approaching an open overgrown viewpoint.

The path dropped down to the lake.

This is the darkest part of the forest, just before the steep slope leading to the ropes. To the left a trail branches off that drops sharply to Majuba Hill.
Rope one and rope two.

The Cheam Range -- northeast.

This wide open viewpoint to the right was more sheltered from the wind and offered a more expansive view.
From northwest to north to northeast -- Sumas Prairie and Mountain with the Fraser River in the northwest and the Vedder Canal in the north east, backed up by Robie Reid & Judge Howay Mtns.

Group shot: Case, Brigitte, Ingrid, Anne, me, Irene & Terry. All of us except Brigitte did the Alaska trip.

After lunch we did a hop-&-a-skip to the other side where we had a view of Columbia Valley -- south.

Heading back.

Margaret & Denise joined us at Side Kicks Brewery for goodies afterwards. Good times with good friends!
Thank you for the great (as usual) pictures and write up, It was very enjoyable So good to be back on the trail again.