June 28, 2024 - Manning Park
Stats: 18 km / 1002m gain / 1994m high / 5 hours MT
The rolling ridge was decked with a brilliant display of wildflowers and ran alongside the majestic peaks of the North Cascades, separated by a deep valley holding Lightening, Flash & Splash Lakes. Our footsteps automatically slowed as we emerged from the forest and feasted our eyes on the far-reaching vistas. You just couldn't not stop and revel in the views.

Three of the five vehicles met at the Lightening Lake Campsite where I left my car (with the snacks and cooler chest) in the Spruce Bay parking lot. Then the four of us clambered into the other two vehicles and joined the rest of the group at the Strawberry Flats parking lot on Gibson Pass Rd.
Anemone Coral Fungi

Avalanche Lilies

Anemonies like to grow close to water.
Forget-me-nots Phlox

Woolen Breeches Gaugeplant

Snowcamp (1860m), Lone Goat (1830m) + Red Mtns (1890m) -- west.

Hozameens & Snowcamp Mts -- southwest.

In two hours we reached the T-junction on the ridge -- south.

There were great photo ops on the narrow protruding rock at the junction. But there wasn't enough room for 20 hikers to sit and have lunch.

So we ascended just a bit further to this open spot -- Joker Mt (2256m) + Freezeout Mt (2286m).


At the junction we turned left (east) and soon entered this beautiful vast meadow. In this photo you can see the three larger humps we traversed on the ridge.
Checker Lily

The farther along the ridge we went, the rockier the ground became. This meant it was warmer which prompted even more varieties of wildflowers to grow, like purple Larkspur and penstemon.

Mt. Frosty (2310m) -- southeast.

The Three Bros. Mountains -- north.

Group shot, back row, left to right: Patty C, me, Denise P, Lynn (guest), Karl V, Todd Pratt (new), Peter K, Iraj F, Folke VH, Lori Y, Susan V, Paul L, Sheri K, Johnny G
Front row: Elizabeth B, Irene H, Lonja B, Brian H, Michelle K, Lucy S

The farthest hump was the highest point.

Heather Small-flower Penstemon

Splash Lake

Entering the section scarred by a forest fire -- northwest.

At the highest point. Iraj being goofy. The trail was free of snow.


At this point I think everyone was starting to feel tired and done with all those humps.
Avanlanche Lilies A grouse.

Splash and Thunder Lakes.

From here-on it was all downhill to Lightening Lake.

Both peaks of Frosty Mt. The trail goes along the left ridge to the left peak.

Flash Lake.

Were on the mountain 10:15am - 4:45pm. A day well spent.