July 11, Mission - Stats: 6.9 km / 618m gain / 1280m high
Last year we did this hike in June. There was still too much snow, making the steep slope past McKay Lake a real challenge. And at the summit the sky was overcast. Not so this time, being a month later in the year. There were still a few patches of snow, but it was no hinderence to our hiking. And at the summit there was nary a cloud in the sky. It was clear and blue with no haze.

Thanks to our 4WDs, we were able to cut off 380m gain & 1.5 hours of hiking by parking at the higher trailhead. The gravel Lost Murdo Service road was in pretty good shape. Still needed my 4WD for the steep parts.

In half an hour we were at McKay Lake.

About 10 minutes past the lake we did a brisk climb up the slope leading to the ridge.

This tarn's water was cold from freshly melted snow.

Wow wee! At the summit: Golden Ears (1350m) - Robie Reid (1800m) - Judge Howay (1950m)

Slesse - Tomyhoii - Mt. Baker

12:30pm = lunch time.

Dave was entertaining us by advertising his latest & greatest: A jacket with a built-in bug net. It came in real handy this day as the mosquitoes were out in full force.

Group shot: Dave & Carol, Jerry, Allana, Lorenz, Lucy, Denise, Terry & me.
Jerry 's hat with built-in bug net out did Dave's, because he bought his at the dollar store.

Stave Lake with Golden Ears Mt. - southwest.

Robie Reid & Judge Howay - west.


The tarn below us that we'd passed on the way up - east.

Mt. Baker - south.
1) Bunch berry - Dogwood 2) Heather

Temperatures rising (29C), Jerry looking for a way to cool off.
Looking back at the summit. On the ridge.
Doing the downward steep bits.

Last year this fire ring was submerged under half a foot of water.

Thanks Denise for those ice cold drinks right after the hike!

We all headed over to Jerry's (my brother-in-law), to bring him home. He treated us to a tour of his 2-acre park.

As you can see, we were all impressed. And then we got popsicles too yet! Thank you Jerry.