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  • Writer's pictureJocelyn Timmermans

Hope Mt.

Updated: Oct 21, 2021

October 19, 2021 - Stats: 10.2 km / 983m gain / 1845m high / 4:30 hours MT

It was well into October and yet we were stripped down to our T-shirts for most of the day. I was impressed by how well the FSR has been upgraded, although a small part of me felt snubbed for not getting to do some real 4x4ing. This steep trail leads to 360-degree breathtaking views overlooking the Skagit Valley, North Cascades and town of Hope.

A slight drop from the parking lot and then a relentless steep uphill to a viewpoint for about half an hour.

View from the viewpoint-with-a-bench, of Hope Mt. Notice the 2 radio towers on the peak. That bench came in handy on the way back when our bodies didn't like that last uphill push. Following this point, we dropped a bit and then had a level boggy stretch as we skirted along a slope that connected eventually to Hope Mt.

Silver Peak (1890m) -- southwest.

Just past this talus slope was the rocky bluff where we had our first break.

Just before this point there was a fork in the trail where we went left. We backtracked a wee bit to get back onto the main trail after our break.

The valley through which Highway 3 flows -- east.

Hope Mt.

Silver Peak + George, the sweep.

Small footholds.


The Skagit River valley -- south.

After the sketchy part, we were out in the open. This final steep slope had us pausing to catch our breath several times.

View from the cliff just before the summit.

Made it! Looks like they added one more radio tower.

The Fraser River, town of Hope + Kawkawa Lake -- north.

Group shot: Charlotte, George, Iraj, Irene, Patrick, Lorenz, Rosa, Mark

Front row: Cal, Tim, Sheri, Ling, Lori + me.

From north to south.

The tarn on the way to the new loo.

Us ladies just had to check out the new loo with a view. We were impressed!

We had a long liesurely one hour lunch.


The Needle (middle) and the Hope Slide with Mt. Outram behind it.

Silver Lake - south.

We learned later that this smoke was caused by burning piles of debris on logging slopes.

Heading back. Wells Peak (1800m) to the left and Grant (1950m) + Eaton Peaks (2070m) behind Wells.

1) Looking down from the top of the cliff. 2) Back at the sketchy section.

There wasn't much of a foothold here and the rock was wet. Thankfully there were some roots to hold on to.

Not much room to manoeuvre.

Irene was trying to wipe the dirt off of her butt (especially after Sheri told her it looked like poop) by rubbing her behind in the moist grass.

Sheri gave her a helping hand.

Falls along the FSR.

Silver Lake. The brown trail leads to Wells Peak. The same parking lot is used for both peaks.

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