Oct. 1, 2024 -- North Cascades National Park
Stats: 14.2 km / 1127m gain / 2105m high / 5 hours MT
The third and final day of our 3-day trip, was another beauty. It was the last hike in the Destination Hikes book that I hadn't done yet.
Unlike the day before, we met only a handfull of people on the trail. The reviews on AllTrails stated that the road getting up there was horrible and full of large potholes. I beg to differ. There were a few rough spots, but it was a broad gravel FSR and easily done with a 4WD. Maybe it helps that we're Canadian and used to such stuff. Special features were the gigantic boulders in all shapes & sizes, the large lake that we didn't see till we were right there and the precariously perched ancient fire lookout built in 1931 that we weren't quite so sure about, seeing how it was supported by just a few rocks on the corners when it was only a few feet away from a sharp drop-off. Those cables drilled into the rock, didn't look quite thick enough.

After about half an hour in the forest, we emerged onto this open steep slope. At the base of the peak the trail veered off to the right.

Mt. Baker -- northwest.

Two parallel cracks in the rock.

The Enchantments -- north.

Way up on the top of the cliff is the fire tower -- can you see it?

As we made our way up & over massive boulders, I was wondering where this Hidden Lake was. Then suddenly as we rounded the corner, voila! Hidden Lake is 1768m high. Forbidden (2591m) + Boston Peaks (2560m) to the left -- northeast.


The final stretch to the hut looked rather daunting. But once up there, it wasn't so bad. The trail was narrow and hugged the steep slope but it was doable.

Brigette & Carmen welcomed us.

Sahale Mt & Arm to the left, beside Boston Peak, where we'd been the day before -- northeast to east.

Glacier Peak to the left -- southwest to west.


The wood and posts on this hut were weathered and worn. After 93 years of being buffeted by wind, rain and snow, it has stood the test of time -- barely.

The Enchantments.

Boston Peak + Sahale Peak & Arm.

Glacier Peak.

Notice the pile of rocks holding up the corner of the hut.

Just a few feet from this side of the hut was the cliff.

Group shot: David G, Carmen P, Denise D, Brigitte G, Peter F, me, Irene H + Sue A

You can sleep in the hut, but it's on a first-come-first-serve basis. It was staffed in the 1950s.

Back at the campsite, we made a toast to my having completed the Destination Hikes book. I couldn't have done it without my COC friends. Thank you.
