May 19.2023 in Golden Ears Provincial Park
Stats: 18.47 km / 785m gain / 587m high / 5:25 hours MT
This is not a high hike, but offers closeup views of the Golden Ears peaks. Thanks to the 2015 Gold Creek bridge that connects East to West Canyon trails, this hike can now be done as a long loop. We branched off three times, to visit both lower & upper falls, and to climb a bit higher to an expansive viewpoint on the Golden Ears trail.

We started on the Lower Falls trail, which is sandwiched between the West & East Canyon trails and follows river-left of Gold Creek. Evans, Blanchard & Edge Peak are out to impress on a beautiful day.

Lower Falls. Herb had hiked this trail April 20th. He said the falls were just a trickle then.

We did not return this way. Another path veering off to the left of this rock that was much more doable. There is a shorter connector trail from the lower to upper falls. But it involved some exposure, hiking on the edge of a cliff (Sheri had done it before), and not everyone was comfortable with that.

Upper falls.

There was a landing large enough for all ten of us to view the falls. The cliff below was almost concave, having been carved out by the raging water.

Just 10 minutes past the connector bridge is Viewpoint Beach.

A bit of backtracking got us to the connector bridge.

1) Gold Creek 2) A bit of climibing on the West Canyon trail, and
then we turned right onto Golden Ears trail.

This trail is boggy and wet but the metal bridges (about 10) helped us keep our feet dry.

We passed Alder Flats campsite and climbed up to this open view by a talus slope (about 20 minutes from the campsite).

Lunch time. Golden Ears beckoned us to continue to its summit. Perhaps in the summer?

Broup shot: me, Sheri K, Pat Sellard (newbie), Brigitte G, Lonja B, Charlotte H, Peter F, Carolyn M,
Maureen S + Herb Ch. Vikki took this photo. Apparently she's a member of our club and knew we'd be out here but her work shift didn't allow her to join us.

Heading back on the Golden Ears trail.

On the West Canyon trail.
Gold Creek lookout. After this it was mostly downhill (mostly).

I'm finding its nicer and more practical on these hot days to take the ol' cooler chest along packed with ice-cold drinks, rather than to drive to a restaurant. Peter's getting the hang of it, so he keeps a lawn chair handy in his jeep.

The grey line to the right is the East Canyon trail.