Aug. 15, 2023
Stats: 13 km / 1064m gain / 1518m high / 4:20 hours MT
I was looking for a maintenance solo hike to train on that was a bit more challenging than my regular jaunt up Vedder Mt. or the Abby Grind. This one fit the bill. Usually when I go solo, I'll stay on a more popular trail. But this day the trail was almost devoid of people. I passed an older gentleman while driving to the trailhead. He breezed by me later, when I'd been hiking about 45 minutes. My heart was still racing, having mistaken him for a bear when I heard a grunt behind me. He assured me that there's no bears on the trail. How did he know? Because he lives not too far down the road from the trailhead and he says two bears come to his yard every morning to eat from his fruit trees. Also, he does the Elk Mt. trail to the meadows on a regular basis, "just to stay fit". I also met Manfred H from our club not far past the first viewpoint, busily cutting brush back from the trail. Both men said they'd never seen the bugs so bad before.
1) 8:35am and on my way, trying to beat the heat. 2) Entering the forest after crossing the FSR road about 30 minutes from the start.

In 3.5 km I was at the first viewpoint, overlooking Sumas Prairie. A line of haze hung over the western horizon.

In the meadows at the beginning of the ridge, the foliage was beginning to change into its vibrant autumn colors.

I'd almost left my camera at home, thinking I wouldn't get good shots in the forest fire haze.
1) Bench near the summit of Elk. 2) Mountain Ash

The Chilliwack River valley with Mt. Baker.
I decided to continue on along the ridge, to the Thurston cairn.

The shade of the trees made the temperatures more bearable (33C).

Looking east towards Slesse & the Border Peaks.

From east to south to west: Slesse, Border Peaks, Tomyhoi, Baker, Chilliwack River Valley & Sumas Prairie
1) Indian Paintbrush 2) Pearlyeverlasting

A clearing at the west end of the ridge, perfect to pitch a tent on.

Leaving the ridge.
