Stats: 5.80 km / 555m gain / 2:10 MT / 690m high
This trail crosses over logging roads 4x before ending at a cabin that was built in memory of Ben Von Hardenberg. It is steep but not crazy steep like the South Trail.

The sign reads: "Canadian Whisky". The first pic shows the spring providing not whisky (sorry) but the cleanest water on this planet earth. This spring was about 2/3 way to the cabin.
No switchbacks on this trail. Just up up up...

At the cabin 1.15 hours later. View south from the cabin on Sumas Mt.
A neighbour of the von Hardenbergs built this cabin for their family after the death of their son & brother. It overlooks the family farm. Ben was 33 years old and the youngest of six sons. He was a helicopter pilot for 12 years and lost his life in a crash while fighting forest fires Aug. 17, 2003.

The Fraser River in Deroche and Sumas Mt.
I thought I'd carry on on the Dewdney Trail. But I didn't get very far and had to turn back at this sign. The loggers not only chewed up the trees, but the trail too.

I walked just a bit past the logging signs and got this view - southwest.
On the way down again.
Someone's been keeping this trail clear.

Nice Website Joc, I miss hiking, Simon doesn't want to go - I'll have to talk to a few ladies around here...cheers Irene